About Dr. P.V. Devi Seshadri
Devi has helped people with her knowledge of experience on business, human relationships, values etc. making the experience exciting, Extreme and stable, so people may live the Amazing life.
Devi is a self-made and highly determined person coming from an orthodox south Indian Brahmin Iyengar family. She is basically an engineer & MBA by qualification having work experience in the IT industry for two decades servicing clients in the areas of SAS, HAS and ERP.
Her intrinsic passion for self-growth and spiritualism found her shifting her interest for the regular job and learning coaching & training to leads and coaches with a passion to see her clients transformed to use their true potential in all areas of life, her seminars are full of breakthroughs for the client who has learnt to take charge of their life.
Devi breaks her corporate employment at age of 40, Devi starts communicating people all the secrets of leading a life which is nourishing, successful and meaningful.
She starts explaining about life balance being working in corporate life & woman challenges as an expert entrepreneur, is regularly called upon for her expert teaching which revolves around five areas: vision Hunt, Starvation, Motivation and Harvest. She underwent various coaches and learned various types of technique of balance in life which sought-after speakers and has helped people across the nation. Devi’s effort has squeezed individual’s lives.
She urges everyone to ask themselves a question, what is the real meaning of their being and what would it take for one to really transfer their life from average to amazing. She believes that people do not fail. It is their situations that lead to their failure. If one can change their environments using the right strategies then one can make success.
Devi wants to achieve something amazing with difference
Therefore she attempted elite book/ Asian book /Indian book and Tamilian book of world record in Skill training among 20+ members she made records in all 4 books for 55 hours 45 mints and it is approved by all 4 books therefore Devi is holding world record title in her CTC mentoring seminar & work shop. which proved her passion and skill.
Academic Education:
- Engineering ECE passed ( 1992) Anna university.
- MBA – Business administration and marketing management – IIBMS – Indian Institute of Business management school.
- Life coach – Certified USA Carlton advanced management institute IAF
- Certified Mentor – BYST Guilds-London UK.
- Certified therapist & counsellor- Ushi shiki ryoho – REIKI- japan.
Professional Experience:
- 22+ years information Technology infrastructure solutions consultant sales and marketing.
- Mentor in BYST since 7 years – start up business guide.
- Therapist alternative medicine using Reiki methods. Consultant psychological issues.
- Rotarian – T20 secretary in Sainikpuri, Secunderabad 2021.
- Certified Rotary trainer / Rotary. leadership institute
- Certified trainer in life skill & life Coach.
Community service membership:
- Founder & Charter president in Rotary club of Chennai Fireflies
- Social network & reading & making life for people through Mentorship Program. Interest in social welfare etc.
- Creating Awareness from materialistic life to human being life
Average person to Amazing personality through life skill training.
Favourite Quote:
- Realisation is IMPERATIVE and “CHANGES” is the only BALANCE.
I have no special talents I am passionately curious*. - What you feel NOW is what you are going to ATTRACT
- My value does not decrease due to someone’s inability to see my worth.
Achievements in World Record:
- World Record Holder – Elite World Records.
- World Record Holder – Asian Records Academy.
- World Record Holder – India Records Academy.
- World Record Holder – Tamilian Book of Records.
- World Record Holder – Asian Books of records (Long interaction on success stories of women entrepreneurs)
Life skill training:
- Marathon longest webinar 55 hours 40 seconds.
Email I’d:
- pvdevi@live.com
- infodskill@gmail.com
- rtndee999@gmail.com
- Founder dskill.org
- Liveease.in., Consultant
Business Website:
- Kaushal Bhavya -Dee skill grand – www.dskill.org
www.liveease.in – Enliven art school of energy ( EASE health & wellness Grand)
www.makemysales.com – Business Partner (Digital marketing &IT)
Languages known:
- To speak: English, Hindi, Telugu & Tamil
Limited proficiency Kannada and Malayalam
To write & read: English, Tamil
Personal life:
- Married having 2 children
- Husband -Vedic education – priest in Hyagreever Temple Nanganallur , Chennai
- Elder son employed as Software Developer in Pvt company – passed B Tech IT from Anna University
- Younger son doing Engineering- B Tech Chemical engineering at MIT Pune, Maharashtra.
Media coverage:
- Had Interview in Telugu TV channel
- Published my achievements in newspaper dhinam thandhi in Thozhi magazine & vanga pesalam (monthly magazine)
P.V. Devi Seshadri Achievement & Award